Nakara Primary has a specialist Physical Education (PE) teacher responsible for running a program to develop awareness, skills and participation.
There are opportunities for students to participate in a variety of sporting events both during and after school time. Children are advised of these opportunities through the PE teacher, in the newsletter and at assemblies.
In addition to PE lessons, Early Childhood students follow a regular routine to develop fitness, rhythm and balance, as well as essential sporting skills through their sensory-motor program.
Specialist coaches also visit Nakara to run clinics throughout the year.

Swimming lessons for Transition to Year 6 students are usually held at the Casuarina Pool but will be held at the Parap Pool until the renovation of the Casuarina pool is completed.
Nakara’s swimming program is conducted by Swimming NT.
At the end of Term 4, years 3-6 have a swimming carnival where house teams compete fiercely for house point bragging rights.

Sporting Houses
Sports house names honour some of the early aviators associated with Darwin at some time in their flying career.
Hinkler (RED) In recognition of Bert Hinkler’s historic flight from England to Darwin in 1928.
Johnson (YELLOW) – Amy Johnson was the first woman to fly solo from Croydon, England to Darwin, arriving May 24, 1930, 19 days later.
Earhardt (GREEN) – Amelia Earhardt was an American aviator who disappeared shortly after her brief stop in Darwin during her around-the-world flight in 1937.
House Points are awarded to students on a weekly basis for both sporting and noteworthy behaviour in class. House point tallies are announced each week at assembly. The results are always hotly anticipated and celebrated!